Page Manager Training

revised 7/26/21

Page Manager Training Video Part 1

Page Manager Training Video Part 2

NOTE - you may open the videos in one tab and your practice page in another tab. Website Guidelines: (revised by the Website Committee 8/21/23)

1. All website content MUST adhere to the NFB Code of Conduct.

2. No content on the website that is not NFB related.

3. All content must be presented in a professional fashion.

4. All content, links, graphics and pictures must be in good taste.

5. All photos and/or graphics must have a text description directly underneath or in the Alt Text section of the photo.

6. All pages must have timely updates.

7. All users, content, links, graphics and pictures are subject to review, editing and/or deletion by the National Federation of the Blind of Missouri, its Officers, Board Members and Website Administrators.

8. All pages must utilize proper spelling, grammar and formatting.

9. All Chapter/Division/Group Pages should have "Last updated: date" at the bottom of the page. website pointers:

1. After logging into the website it is very important that you only use the links in the menu.  Using the links within a page can cause you to be logged out of the website and you will have to log in again.

2. If you place an external (not link on a website, please have this link come up in a popup window.  We want our website visitors to be able to easily return to the website.

3. On pages that you have edit access for, there are two boxes that you should not change, the Title box nor the Text Format box. These boxes are preset for the best options, if you truly feel that these need to be changed please check with me first.

4. Changes to the page that you are editing do not happen until you hit the Save button at the bottom of the editor page.  If you make changes to the page, forget to hit the save button and exit the editor, your work will be lost.

5. If your web browser supports Spell and Grammar Checks, use it.  If it does not, I would recommend typing everything into a word processor such as Microsoft Word to ensure the use of proper spelling and grammar.  Then proofread what you have written.  When you copy and paste to your webpage please , Paste Special > Unformatted Text "Ctrl+Alt+Shift+V", this will help to ensure that there is not any crazy formatting in what you are pasting.  After that, you may change the formatting within the websites text editor.

Sometimes it is nearly impossible to remove a line spacing formats.  The way I deal with this issue is to paste your text into Notepad and then copy it back out of Notepad, there is no formatting that can survive after being pasted into Notepad.

Screen Reader Access:

Once the editor is in focus (i.e. it is an active element for the user), its entire interface can be used through the keyboard. To do so, some basic key combinations can be employed. For example:

Alt+F10 – moves the focus to the toolbar. Enter (or Space) selects an option, Esc returns to the editing area.

Alt+F11 – moves the focus to the elements path. Enter and Esc can be used here as well.

Tab and Arrow keys – move through toolbar items and options.

Tab – jumps through dialog window fields.

There are several other keyboard shortcuts that can be utilized. For most editor functions we have chosen the key combinations that the user will naturally use. Everything else is clarified in the help page (Alt+0). The editor usage through the keyboard is most intuitive and as straightforward as possible.

Page Manager Navigation:

Please note - all of the tools listed below are taught in order to give you a basic understanding of them, it is not intended to teach proficiency.  Proficiency is gained over time with practice.  There is really no need to change the font, size ect..., the websites default settings are fine for most updates to your webpage.

Once logged into the website go to the page that you have Page Manager access to. The page will open up under the View Tab. To edit the page select the Edit Tab and the page will open up in the websites text editor.

The tool bars are setup in three rows across the top of the page contents. I will name them all off but we will only go over the most common tools. First row, from left to right we have; Source, Cut, Copy, Paste, Paste as plain text, Paste from Word, Spell Checker, Undo, Redo, Find, Replace, Select All, Image, Flash, Table, Insert Horizontal Line, Smiley, Insert Special Character and IFrame. Second row, from left to right we have; Bold, Italic, Underline, Strikethrough, Subscript, Superscript, Remove Format, Insert/Remove Numbered List, Insert/Remove Bulleted List, Decrease Indent, Increase Indent, Block Quote, Create Div Container, Align Left, Center, Align Right, Text direction from left to right, Text direction from right to left, Set Language, Link, Unlink, Anchor and Insert Teaser Break. The third row, from left to right we have; Format, Font, Size, Text Color, Background Color, Maximize and Show Blocks. Most of these are self explanatory and the others are advanced features that we will not be going over. If you get comfortable enough with your Page Management duties and would like to learn more about the advanced features, may I recommend our friend Google. Here are the tools that I feel that we need to cover.


This creates a link from whatever text you specify to any other location that you specify. So lets say that I was mentioning the NFB National Convention on my page and I wanted my viewer to be able to click the words NFB National Convention and instantly go to, I would select the text NFB National Convention and then I would click on the Link tool and when it opened I would type or paste in the box labeled URL. Then I would select the Target Tab, I would select “popup window” and then pres OK.


By default this is set to Normal text. If you have some text that you want to make stand out. Please do not just change it to one of the headings. Using headings to make text stand out especially when it should not be classified as a heading will reek havoc on someone who is using a screen reader. If you truly just want some text to stand out use any combination of Bold, Underline, Font, Size and /or Text Color.


When you have files that you need to put on your page for visitors to download, such as your chapter is hosting a trivia night and you want visitors to be able to access your Trivia Night Flier. After you are logged in, you would navigate to the menu bar at the very top of the page. Select Files and a list of files will open up with a folder tree in the left pane. Select the folder for the page that you are managing, select the box labeled “New File”, Select the box labeled “Choose File”, find the file you want to upload on your computer then select the box at the bottom of the window labeled “Upload File”. Do not use the “Upload” button right next to the “Choose File” button because this button does not seem to work most of the time. After you hit the “Upload File” button the file will be uploaded and you will be returned to the folder window and you should see the file that you just uploaded. Next you will copy the link address of the file location under the Action tab where it says download or you see the image of a green arrow pointing down. You will now use that link address in the URL box under your Link command within the websites text editor.