Columbia Chapter

President - Gary Wunder

Phone: 573-874-1774


Meeting Date: primarily third Tuesday of every month except December.


Meeting Time: 7:00 - 8:45PM.

The location of the February 18, 2025 meeting is:

Boone Electric Cooperative Community Building Watt Room. The meeting will be available virtually . Please contact President Gary Wunder at for the link and other details.

We have proudly served the Columbia area for over 50 years and look forward to a brighter future for  blind and visually impaired people in the future. 

We look forward to meeting new friends and old friends at Columbia Earth Day on April 27 in Downtown Columbia.

We are extremely excited to be the hosts of the63rd annual convention of the NFB of Missouri April10-13 at the Stony Creek Hotel!



Calendar of Events




January 25 10:00 State board of Directors meeting - Jefferson City

February 11 - 12 Jefferson City Legislative Seminar 

February 18 7:00 pm Chapter Meeting Boone Electric Cooperative Watt  Room

March 11 7:00 pmChapter Meeting Boone Electric Cooperative Volt Room

April 10-13 63rd annual state convention Columbia

April 15 7:00 pm Chapter Meeting Boone Electric Cooperative Amp Room

April 27 Earth Day Celebration, Downtown Columbia 

May 20 7:00 pm Chapter Meeting Boone Electric Cooperative Amp Room

June 17 7:00 pm Chapter Meeting Boone Electric Cooperative Volt Room

July 8-13 National Convention New Orleans, LA


July 15 7:00 pm Chapter Meeting Boone Electric Cooperative Amp Room

August 19 7:00 pm Chapter Meeting Boone Electric Cooperative Amp Room

September 16 7:00 pm Chapter Meeting Boone Electric Cooperative Amp Room

October 21 7:00 pm Chapter Meeting Boone Electric Cooperative Amp Room

October 25  State Board Meeting Boone Electric Cooperative Amp Room Columbia 

November 18 7:00 pm Chapter Meeting Boone Electric Cooperative Amp Room

December 6 5:00 pm Columbia Chapter Reception Amp Room



April 9-12 64th Annual State Convention Columbia 

July National Convention Austin, TX 


President: Gary Wunder

Vice President: Eugene Coulter

Secretary: Dacia Cole 

Treasurer: Carol Coulter

Board Member: Cory McMahon  



Gary Wunder