Lewis & Clark Chapter

The Lewis and Clark Chapter was organized in 2004 and serves the entire St. Louis region. Our membership is made up of blind individuals from all walks of life representing a wide variety of careers and callings. These include blind Attorneys, Teachers, Information Technology Professionals, Management Professionals, PHD's, Broadcasting Professionals, etc. They represent a cross section of Missouri's Blind and are living proof that blindness need not be the tragedy it has been perceived to be in the past. We are the blind speaking with one voice and changing what it means to be blind.


Give10 and Win
Ray-Ban, Meta Smart Glasses

The Lewis & Clark Chapter of the National Federation of the Blind is proud to announce our Give10 and Win fundraiser.  Each donation of $10. gives you an entry to win a pair of Ray-Ban, Meta Smart Glasses of up to $330.00 in value.

To participate:
   • Select  “Donate to the Lewis & Clark Chapter through Zelle” below.    
   • Donate in increments of $10. (each increment of $10. is a separate entry)
   • When asked what this payment is for, enter “Give10, Your Name, Your Pone Number”.
      example: “Give10, John Smith, 123-456-7890”

Drawing will be held at the National Federation of the Blind of Missouri State Convention in Columbia, MO on or before Sunday, April 13,2025.  It is not necessary to be present to win.  Winner will be notified by phone, where style, color & size will be determined.


Donate to the Lewis & Clark Chapter through Zelle

Or use your banks Zelle and search for

jcarmack@nfbmo.org or Lewis & Clark Chapter ,of N. F. B.



None at this time.


Meeting Date and Times

The Lewis and Clark Chapter meets the second Saturday of each month.

3:00 pm - 5:00 pm, Chapter Meeting


Meeting Location

St. Louis Society for the Blind and Visually Impaired
8770 Manchester Rd.
St. Louis, MO 63144


Contact Us

Jenny Carmack, President
7951 Aldershot Dr.
St, Louis MO, 63123
Phone: 314-239-9776
E-Mail: jcarmack@nfbmo.org


2025 Officers

President: Jenny Carmack

Vice President: Mark Harris

Treasurer: Randy Carmack

Secretary: Judy Redlich

Board Member: Brad Kuhn



The Lewis & Clark Chapter was originally founded  in 2003 to meet the needs of members living north of highway 40.  The first Chapter President was Susan Ford.  Today we serve the entire St. Louis region.